ZemPosts: Contributing

βž• Adding your Post:

  1. Fork a copy of this Repository on your Github account by clicking below,
  1. Head over to your Forked Repository, and locate the src/content/blog directory. Create a new file, and name it [Post Title].mdx

Remember to replace [Post Title] with your actual Post Title.

  1. Add the following code snippet in the file,
layout: ../../layouts/BlogPost.astro
pubDate: Month/Day/Year

Keep the POST TITLE and POST DESCRIPTION short and concise!

  1. Write your Post Content after the Code Snippet which you just copied using Markdown or HTML.

  2. Save the file in which you have wrote your post content, and open a pull-request on this repository. Your PR will be merged/reviewed as soon as possible!

🐞Bug/Issue/Feedback/Feature Request:

  • If you would like to report a bug, a issue, implement any feedack, or request any feature, you are free to do so by opening a issue on this repository. Remember to give a detailed explanation of what you are trying to say, and how it will help the website.

πŸ’ Support:

For any kind of support or inforrmation, you are free to join our Discord Server,

Thanks for VisitingπŸ™

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Made with πŸ’– by Hemang Yadav (Zemerik)