ZemShowcase: Contributing

βž• Adding your Project:


You can now submit your project to be added to the Showcase through an Online Form powered by Visme!

  1. Click here to access the registration form
  2. Fill in the Form with the asked details
  3. Click Register to submit your Project.

Your Project will be added as soon as possible


  1. Fork a copy of this Repository on your Github account by clicking below,
  1. Clone your Forked Repository by using the following GIT command:
git clone https://github.com/[YOUR GITHUB USERNAME]/ZemShowcase.git
  1. Navigate into the Project’s Directory by using the command below:
cd ZemShowcase
  1. Initialize a Remote to the original Repository by the following GIT command:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/Zemerik/ZemShowcase
  1. Create a new branch in which you can make your desired changes:
git checkout -b newproject
  1. Create a new folder in the public/projects directory with the name of your Project and upload the following:
  • Project Banner
  • Project Logo
  1. Head over to the src/data/projects.ts file and copy paste the code snippet below:
    url: 'https://zemposts.vercel.app', // Link to your Project's Website
    id: '2', // Don't Change
    banner: '/projects/ZemPosts/banner.png', // Banner of your Project
    img: '/projects/ZemPosts/logo.png', // Logo of your Project
    title: 'ZemPosts', // Name or Title of your Project
    type: 'Astro, Typescript, CSS', // Tech Stack your Project
    icon: '/projects/ZemPosts/logo.png', // Logo of your Project
    blog: 'https://zemerik.hashnode.dev/introducing-zemposts', // Link to your Project's Blog (OPTIONAL - Leave blank if not valid)
    github: 'https://github.com/Zemerik/ZemPosts', // Link to your Project's Blog (OPTIONAL - Leave blank if not valid)
    web: 'https://zemposts.vercel.app', // Link to your Project's Website (OPTIONAL - Leave blank if not valid)
      "ZemPosts stands as an ...", // Project Description (3 - 5 Sentences)
    tags: [
      {name: 'Astro, ReactJS, Hemang Yadav, Open Source, ...'}, // Keywords / Tag related to your Project

Remember to fill in the Code Snippet with details of your Project

  1. Add all your files to the Staging Area now:
git add --all
  1. Commit your Changes:
git commit -m "new Project: [Project Name]"

Remember to add a good commit message!

  1. Push all your Changes:
git push origin newproject
  1. Create a new Pull - Request on the Original Repository

Your Pull Request will be merged / reviewed as soon as possible

🐞Bug/Issue/Feedback/Feature Request:

  • If you would like to report a bug, a issue, implement any feedack, or request any feature, you are free to do so by opening a issue on this repository. Remember to give a detailed explanation of what you are trying to say, and how it will help the website.

πŸ’ Support:

For any kind of support or inforrmation, you are free to join our Discord Server,

Thanks for VisitingπŸ™

Don't forget to leave a ⭐
Made with πŸ’– by Hemang Yadav (Zemerik)